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Radishes come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Fast growing varieties mature in 20 days and the large rooted Chinese varieties take up to 120 days. Dig soil a foot deep for most varieties (deeper for Daikon) and mix in a complete fertilizer like 5-10-5, then rake the surface smooth. Plant seed about 1/4 inch deep in rows and keep the soil moist. Radish seeds sprout quickly and it's important to thin seedling early to prevent over-crowding. The spacing between plants can be from 2 inches up to a foot depending on the variety. The most important factors in growing radishes are cool, but not cold weather, and constant moisture. The faster they grow the better flavor they have. The biggest pest they have is the flea beetle, which riddles the leaves with holes. If your crop is left in the ground too long and they become hot - stir fry them.

Planting Dates

Seeds can be planted from September to May.

Seeds can be planted from September to March.


  • Burpee White (25 days)
  • Cherry Belle (22 days)
  • Easter Egg (22 days)
  • French Breakfast (24 days)
  • Icicle (28 days)
  • Inca (25 days)
  • Miyashigi, an Oriental radish (60 days)
  • Round Black Radish (55 days)
  • Summer Cross Hybrid, giant white Daikon type (45 days)
  • Chinese Rose (55 days)