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The turnip, along with the rutabaga, are members of the Brassica family. There are leafy brassicas, like collards, flowering brassicas like broccoli, and the ones with the edible stems and roots like kohlrabi and rutabaga. With selection of the right variety, turnips can be harvested in as little as 35 days. They are direct seeded in rows a foot apart or by broadcasting on a raised bed. They like a fertile, well drained soil and continuous moisture, especially the fast growing types. Turnips are attached by pests common to all brassicas. Grow under a floating cover like Reemay if you want bug free crops. Underground pests include wireworms.

Planting Dates

Seeds can be planted from September to May.

Seeds can be planted from September to April.


  • Tokyo Cross Hybrid or White Lady, (35 days)
  • Just Right Hybrid, (60 days)
  • Purple Top White Globe (55 days)
  • Golden Ball (60 days)