Mosaic Garden Art

Judy MacKenzie

Judy MacKenzie




In this workshop, you'll have the pleasure of creating a beautiful garden-art dragonfly mosaic.

Using a stone substrate as your canvas, you'll learn the art of mosaic-making using an array of vibrant glass and tile tesserae. You will be guided through the process, learning techniques and tips to help you create your mosaic masterpiece.

This workshop is designed for all skill levels.

Judy MacKenzie

Judy MacKenzie, a Master Gardener for 12 years, thinks a garden is not complete without some adornment.  Her 36 years of working in the landscape construction and design business, combined with her love of making art has led her to explore and learn about making mosaic garden art. Judy is eager to pass on the enjoyment she has for making the pieces and seeing them so happily "living" in her garden. Join her in making this jewel for your garden.