Tomatoes, indeterminate or determinate; hybrid or heirloom?

Question: I have very limited experience in growing tomatoes. I promised myself this year to have tomato success! Can you please explain the difference between “hybrid” and “heirloom” tomatoes and between “determinate” and “indeterminate” tomatoes?   Answer: An heirloom tomato is one that has been cultivated for at least 50 years. Heirloom tomatoes are pollinated […]

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Bromeliad Basics

BY NANCY NYGARD  (This article first appeared in California Garden magazine,  May-June, 2022) Bromeliads are members of the Bromeliaceae plant family; most are native to Central and South America. The variety within the Bromeliaceae family is astounding, with over 3000 species within 56 genera. The quirky Tillandsias, more commonly known as air plants; the beard-like […]

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